International Programme Committee
The role of the IPC is as follows:-- To advise on the organisation of the conference;
- To promote the conference and bring it to the attention of other researchers;
- To advise on the topics of the conference;
- To help with the paper review process
- To assist in monitoring overall quality.
The IPC consists of the following members and, in addition, all Invited Session Chairs:-
Name | Affiliation |
Prof. Monica Bianchini  | University of Siena, Italy  |
Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Blank  | Arborsys, Germany  |
Dr. Gloria Bordogna  | CNR IREA  |
Dr. Riadh Bouslimi  | Higher School of Digital Economy, University of Manouba, Tunisia  |
Prof. Giacomo Cabri  | University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy  |
Prof. Abdellah Chehri  | Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.  |
Dr. Benoit Debaque  | Thales Digital Solutions (TDS), Ottawa, Canada  |
Dr. Dinu Dragan  | University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Computer  |
Prof. Christos Grecos  | Arkansas State University  |
Prof. Katsuhiro Honda  | Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan  |
Prof. Rashmi Jain  | Montclair State University, USA  |
Prof. Gwanggil Jeon  | Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea  |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eiji Kano  | Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan  |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Asim Kazancigil  | Yeditepe University, Turkey  |
Prof. Boris Kovalerchuk  | Central Washington University, USA  |
Prof. Stefano Marrone  | Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy  |
Prof. Yoshimasa Masuda  | Keio, Tokyo University of Science, Japan/ Carnegie Mellon University, USA  |
Prof. Lyudmila Mihaylova  | University of Sheffield, Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering  |
Prof. Vincenzo Moscato  | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II  |
Dr. Wided Oueslati  | University La Manouba, Tunisia  |
Dr Marco Palomino  | University of Aberdeen  |
Prof. Radu-Emil Precup  | Politehnica University of Timisoara, România  |
Mr. Nordine Quadar  | University of Ottawa  |
Dr. Milos Savic  | University of Novi Sad, Serbia  |
Prof. Rainer Schmidt  | Munich University, Germany  |
Dr. Stefano Silvestri  | ICAR CNR, Italy  |
Dr. Alicja Wieczorkowska  | Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Poland  |
Prof. Alfred Zimmermann  | Reutlingen University, Germany  |